There are 4 categories of personality Styles.But bear in mind that there is no right or wrong or even good or bad...The key of this personality test is "appropriateness".
4 categories of personality styles:
1. D- Dominance also known as "Driver" style or OVERCOMER
2. I- Influence also known as "Persuader" style or EXPRESSIVE
3. S- Steadiness also known as "Amicable" or RELATIONAL
4. Compliance to Own Standards also known as "Analytical" style or ORGANISER
So let start to evaluate yourself. Below is a table which consist of different characteristics. Mark one word in each row that you feel describe you the best:

This is the scoring sheet. Total up the number of times you have chosen D,I,S and C..
For example for the 1st row : you choose Careful, you will have to circle the column 3 row 1 ,D.
Total up your score for each are as follow :
D= ____ I=_____ S=____ C=_____
Pick the highest score. If you have highest score in D ,means you are in D category,if you have highest score in I,it means you are in I category and same goes to S and C.
Description of Personality Styles :
D- Dominance
Emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.
This person's tendencies include :
- Getting immediate results
- Causing action
- Accepting challenge
- Making quick decisions
- Questioning the status quo
- Taking authority
- Managing trouble
- Solving problems
This person desires an environment that includes :
- Power and authority
- Prestige and challenge
- Opportunity for individual accomplishments
- Wide scope of operations
- Direct answers
- Opportunity for advancement
- Freedom from controls and supervision
- Many new and varied activities
This person needs others who :
- Weigh pros and cons
- Calculate risks
- Use caution
- Structure a more predictable environment
- Research facts
- Deliberate before deciding
- Recognize the needs of others
To be more effective, this person needs :
- Difficult assignments
- An awareness of existing sanctions
- Understanding that they need people
- Techniques based on practical experience
- An occasional shock
- Identification with a group
- To verbalise the reasons for conclusions
- To pace self and to relax more
I-Influencing of Others
This person's tendencies include :
- Contacting people
- Making a favourable impression
- Verbalizing with articulateness
- Creating a motivational environment
- Generating ethusiasm
- Entertaining people
- Desiring to help others participating in a group
This person desires an environment that includes :
- Popularity, social recognition
- Public recognition of ability
- Freedom of expression
- Group activities outside the job
- Democratic relationships
- Freedom from control and detail
- Opportunity to verbalise proposals
- Coaching and counselling skills
- Favourable working conditions
This person needs others who :
- Concentrate on the task
- Seek facts
- Speak directly
- Respect sincerity
- Develop systematic approaches
- Prefer dealing with things to dealing with people
- Take a logical approach
- Demonstrate individual follow-through
To be more effective ,this person needs :
- Control of time
- Objectivity in decision-making
- Participatory management
- More realistic appraisals of others
- Priorities and deadlines
- To be more firm with others
This person's tendencies include :
- Performing an accepted work pattern
- Sitting or staying in one place
- Demonstrating patience
- Developing specialized skills
- Concentrating on the task
- Showing loyalty
- Being a good listener
- Calming excited people
This person desires an environment that includes :
- Security of the situation
- Status quo unless given reasons for change
- Minimal work infringement on home life
- Credit for work accomplished
- Limited territory
- Sincere appreciation
- Identification with group
- Traditional procedures
This person need others who :
- React quickly to unexpected change
- Stretch towards the challenges of an accepted task
- Become involved in more than 1 thing
- Are self-promoting
- Apply pressure on others
- Work comfortably in an unpredictable environment
- Delegate to others
- Are flexible in work procedures
- Can contribute to the work
To be more effective ,this person needs :
- Conditioning prior to change
- Validation of self-worth
- Information on how one's efforts contribute to the total effort
- Work associates of similar competence and sincerity
- Guidelines for accomplishing the task
- Encouragement of creativity
- Confidence in the ability of others
C-Compliance (to their own standard)
This person's tendencies include :
- Attention to key directives and standards
- Concentrating on key details
- Working under known circumstances
- Being diplomatic with people
- Checking for accuracy
- Critical thinking
- Critical or performance
- Complying with authority
This person desires an environment that includes :
- Security assurances
- Standard operating procedures
- Sheltered environment
- Reassurance
- No sudden or abrupt changes
- Being part of a work group
- Personal responsiveness to their effort
- Status quo unless assured of quality control
- Door openers who call attention to accomplishments
This person needs others who :
- Desire to expand authority
- Delegate important tasks
- Make quick decisions
- Use policies only as guidelines
- Compromise with the opposition
- State unpopular positions
To be more effective, this person needs :
- Precision work
- Opportunity for careful planning
- Exact job and objective descriptions
- Scheduled performance appraisals
- As much respect for people's personal worth as for what they accomplish
- To develop tolerance for conflict
So have you known yourself better now after taking this test?
Source : Graduates personal development programme by Ron Leong